    CDP and Barnsley College Sign Memorandum of Sino-foreign Cooperation in Running School

    From Sept.23 to 27, a delegation led by the vice president of Barnsley College, Chris Webber visited CDP. Leaders of both colleges discussed issues on the modes and curriculum of Sino-foreign school running, reaching agreements on a series of matters. Finally, they signed a memorandum of Sino-foreign joint school running between CDP and Barnsley.

    Besides the vice president of Chris Webber, assistant president and dean of construction department, director of international exchange, curriculum adviser also joined the delegation. During their visit, president He and vice president Ling exchanges ideas with the guests, showing the determination and the plan of internationalizing our college’s curriculum.

    In the five days, International Exchange Department and Business Administration and Real Estate Department worked closely to negotiate with leaders of Barnsley College based on the previous discussions.

    Curriculum experts of both colleges managed to match the courses and requirements, reaching agreements on courses set-up. CDP will introduce low-carbon and environment-friendly construction thoughts from Barnsley College, based on its own courses of construction engineering and technology, to explore new orientation of construction. Both sides also exchanged ideas on their mutually interested topics such as teachers training and students exchange.

    Finally, vice president ling Hong and Chris Webber, on behalf of their own college, signedMemorandum of Understanding of Sino-foreign Cooperation in Running School Between Barnsley and CDP.