    Guests from Université de Savoie Re-visited CDVTC, Looking Forward to Futher Cooperation

    Last year, guests from Université de Savoie visited our college and got fruitful results. On November 9th 2010, a delegation of three from Université de Savoie under the leadership of Vice President - Mr. Eric BRUNAT re-visited CDVTC. A pleasant forum was held in the Western Restaurant Practical Training Center of Tourism School. Vice President of CDVTC Li Wany-ying, Dean of Tourism School Mr. Lai Bin, Prof. Wang De-ling and other concerned personnel attended the forum.

    Vice President Li Wang-ying firstly extended our warmest welcome to the distinguished guests far from France. Then he introduced the achievements we gained this year and the plan to further cooperate with Université de Savoie.

    Vice President Eric BRUNAT firstly congratulated our achievements in the past year. Then he introduced Université de Savoie and their goal of this visit in detail. Prof. ANNIE ROUARD further introduced the mountain tour resouces in France.

    During the forum, both sides also talked over the exchange teachers and students programmes.