    Our Teachers and Students Attended the Interview of Sheffield College

    On May 25, Zhongwen Xu, Director of Strategic Development Fund and Plan of the Sheffield College, came to our college and conducted the comprehensive English interview for our teachers and students applying for the exchange program.

    The interview began at 4:30 pm in the Department of Foreign Languages and International Exchange. 10 candidates, including 6 teachers and 4 students, entered the final round after several rounds of assessment and selection.

    The final name list of teachers and students to participate in Sheffield’s exchange program will be determined and published after Mr. Xu return to England.

    The students’ interview began at first. Under Mr. Xu's guidance, four students presented their views and discussed the issues with eloquent and fluent English. Xu was greatly impressed by students’ wit, humor and wealth of knowledge and he always kept smiling during the interview.

    Then the teachers’ interview followed. Mr. Xu talked with the candidates about classroom teaching and Chinese culture and he spoke highly of their English communication ability as well as ability to understand Chinese culture.

    The college leaders attached great importance to this interview, and Hong Lin, Vice President of the college, came to the scene to watch the selection.