

经过四天的校内学习交流,大家对美国西北理工大学及其办学理念、专业、课程设置、教学管理、课堂教学方法、学校教师的组成和评聘等有了全面的认识。第五天一大早,谢校长和助理林达女士带着我们考察参观了Silicon Valley Community,过去对硅谷的认识只知是一个片区,现在了解了硅谷包括San Jose,San Francisco,Oakland,Fremont几个城市,是美国高科技产业的发祥地,也是目前高科技企业最集中的地方,目前,硅谷已成为各国研究和效仿的高科技产业发展模式。

一路上谢校长向大家介绍看到的企业,如Oracle ,美国太空总署(NASA),AMD、爱立信、苹果、英特尔、Google、思科等,并带领大家参观了英特尔博物馆、Google园区、思科园区,沿途也看到一些风险投资机构和为这些企业服务的一些相关企业。





使命为先,Change lives, Change organizations, Change the world,斯坦福大学商学院的口号:改造人生,改造组织,改造世界。倡导学生做一名思想者,目击和思考人生的苦难并将人类从欲望、恐惧、苦难折磨的地狱中解救出来,这样的格局、胸襟、使命感,成为学子们为理想而奋斗的精神之源。硅谷的很多企业也都以服务社会、创造更美好的世界作为自己的使命。

自由为本,The wind of freedom blows,让学术自由之风劲吹,斯坦福的校训。鼓励和保证学校师生能自由无阻地从事教学和相关的研究,培养学生独立思考,自主自由地学习,自由思想的能力,为创新打下良好的基础。

创新永恒,Don’t be encumbered by history, Go off and do something wonderful,莫为历史所羁绊,放手而为创绚烂。忘记过去,努力向前,创新是高科技时代永恒不变的主题,英特尔创始人罗伯特·诺伊斯正是在自己的创业实践中不断地践行着自己的这句格言,进行着一次次的自我超越,才成为行业一直以来的领跑者。


Reports on the Teacher’s Exchange Program in Northwestern Polytechnic University (五)

After four-day’s study on campus, we’ve got a thorough understanding of NPU’s education philosophy, majors, curriculums, teaching management, teaching methods, faculties and employment system. On the fifth day, Aug.8th, Mr. Xie and his assistant Linda led us have a field trip to Silicon Valley Community. We used to think of Silicon Valley as a district, but now we got to know that it covers several cities inCalifornialikeSan Jose,San Francisco,Oakland, andFremont, and it is the cradle of high-tech industries inAmerica. At the present time,Silicon Valleyhas become a high-tech industry development mode for every country to study and follow.

Mr. Xie introduced us many important enterprises and some investment companies along the road, like Oracle, N.A.S.A, AMD, Ericsson, Apple, Intel, Google, Cisco, and led us visit the Intel museum, Google park, and Cisco park.

We were surprised to see that there were no landmark buildings or grand office buildings in this famousSilicon Valley. Outside the entrance of Google park there lay some cartoon models, and the company logo of Intel and Cisco were very simply too, which was said to cost within 2000 dollars. In the Intel museum, the visitors can gain a thorough understanding of Intel’s history of development, development of chip technology and corporate values, and can buy the souvenirs of Intel there. It is clear to see that Intel is quite open and people-oriented, and this company emphasizes on entrepreneurship, innovation, adventure and no fear of failure. From the pattern of industries in the whole area, it gives special emphasis on cooperation, complementation, and the establishment of a supporting system for the healthy development in the whole area.

InSilicon Valley, man is the most important source. Men of different races converged here, bringing their creative ideas to start business, and they turned innovations into new technologies, new products and new services. Many new values were created through the merging of cultures and technologies. Silicon Valley is absolutely a world village in respect of population, people from different countries, races, cultures came here to realize their values and in the same time influence and change the whole world.

Afterwards, we visitedStanfordUniversity, where there were no walls or school gates, but beautiful views, sculptures of Rodin, winners of Nobel Prize, biggest campus. It has a great influence on American economy, because the democratic, free and relaxing academic environment helps people communicate with each other and create new ideas. Those ideas are highly valued by the investors who provide funds and supports for talents, so as to lay solid foundation for the development of high-tech industries inSilicon Valley.

We have lots of thoughts on this short one-day trip to Silicon Valley, concluding in the three points as follows:

Mission comes first. Change lives, Change organizations, Change the world. This is the slogan of Business School of Stanford University. It encourages students to become a thinker, observing the mankind’s hardships and saving them from hell. Therefore, missions to fight for the ideals become the students’ spirits. Many enterprises inSilicon Valleyas well have the mission of serving the society and creating a better world.

Freedom is most important. The wind of freedom blows. This is the motto ofStanfordUniversity. It ensures that all the teachers have their right of freedom in teaching and doing researches. It encourages the students to think and study independently.

Innovation lasts forever. Don’t be encumbered by history. Go off and do something wonderful. Go pass the past and move forward. Innovation is the ever-lasting theme in the high-tech era. The founder of Intel Robert Noyce followed his words, made lots of self-transcendence and remained the leader in this industry.

Through this field trip to Silicon Valley, we have got a primary understanding of the cooperation betweenUShigher education and high-tech enterprises, and we believe that it can be very beneficial in our future teaching. In the end, we appreciate a lot this opportunity given by our college and NPU.


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