    Pushes forward in depth the joint programs with NYP

    On March 11th, MR.Chen Limin, NYP president and CEO, led a delegation to visit CDP with the purpose of pushing forward in depth the work of student learning center. They attended the opening ceremony of NYP students learning center at our college.

    Singapore guests and Chengdu hosts conducted a dialogue on expanding cooperative areas, broadening international vision and strengthening Sino-Singapore friendship. Members of NYP are President and CEO, Chen Limin, Vice Presient Chen Zhitian, Vice President Xing Yikuang. Chengdu members are Wang Zhicheng, party member of Chengdu Education Bureau and Director of Examination Office, Yan Shusheng, Vice Inspector of Foreign Affairs Office of Chengdu Municipal Government, CDP party Chief Zhou Jian, CDP president He Jiming.

    Director Wang Zhicheng, on behalf of Chengdu Education bureau, congratulated the opening ceremony, saying that set-up of NYP students learning center in Chengdu is a successful model of building a platform for cooperation between Chengdu education institutions and foreign counterparts, and which is also a great achievement in internationalizing Chengdu education. He hoped that CDP will make good use of this platform to further intensify cooperation and exchange with NPY in terms of students, staff, education information and resources, and push forward extensive cooperation between Chengdu higher education institutions and their Singapore counterparts. He expressed that Chengdu education bureau will provide good environment for the smooth running of the learning center and the two colleges’ cooperation. Vice Inspector Yan Shusheng, on behalf of Chengdu Foreign Affairs Office, brought his congratulations and said more support will be given to our college’s international exchange. Vice director of West China Division of Singapore IEDB China Branch and Business Consulter of Singapore Consulate to Chengdu, Zhang Wanxin, Vice consulter, Deng Libing, attended the opening ceremony and made their speeches.

    On the ceremony, a video namedEducation Bridges Cultureswas played, reflecting three years’ exchange activities of two colleges. NYP president Chen Limin and CDP president He Jiming made their speeches respectively on the unveiling ceremony, affirming that the learning center plays a big role for Singapore students to understand modern China, know Chengdu history, and experience Chinese vocational education, in the mean time, it also allows CDP students to broaden their international vision. President Chen Limin and Party Chief Zhou Jian unveiled the nameplate of the learning center together. Students of both colleges brought their shows.

    The delegation led by CDP leaders visited CDP software park education on Gaoxin campus and tourism vocational education group on Huayuan campus.