    Vice President and Director of Tourism Department of VCC visit CDP

    On March 5th, Bill Radford, vice president, and Stephen Lynch, Director of Tourism Department of VCC, Vancouver, Canada visited CDP. This was the second time of Bill’s visit to our college.

    President He Jiming, vice president Ling Hong, Laibin, dean of tourism school, and Chen Yuemei, director of foreign languages and international exchange received the guests warmly. After a short warm-up conversation, both sides got down to business directly. In a friendly atmosphere, they got to agreement on three programs which will be conducted one another. The first one is “2+2” joint programs. Under this programs, tourism students of our college will be co-teach by both Chinese and Canadian teachers. They will study at CDP for two years, then transfer to Canada for another two years, get hospitality bachelor’s degree of VCC. The second program is going to allow VCC students to study Chinese culture and tourism at CDP. VCC students can get certain credits verified by both colleges. The third one will create chance for VCC students who can speak Chinese to study deeply Chinese culture and tourism at CDP for 1-2 years. The three programs will be push forward step by step soon. Doctor Lynch will revisit our college in July this year to discuss the details of these programs

    After the meeting, Doctor Lynch observed our facilities, and showed his confidence in cooperation.

    On the afternoon of March 5thand 6th, Bill Radford and Stephen Lynch visited member schools of Chengdu Tourism Educational Group. They are Dujiangyan Vocational High School, Xinjin Vocational High School, and Dayi Vocational High School.