    Chen Zhitian, Vice President of NYP, Visits Our College

    On Mar. 22-23, 2012, Chen Zhitian, Vice President of NYP, visited our college and investigated the operation of Overseas Study Base program. Our President He Jiming and Vice President Ling Hong negotiated with him and implemented the program.

    On 22 morning, together with his colleagues, director of design department, huang Yimu, director of IT

    Department, Lai Baoxing, director of business administration, director of Singapore retail sale management college, Chen Zhitian was accompanied by He Jiming and Ling Hong, to have a tour to hua yuan campus, hi-tech zone practical training room, campus surroundings and students dinning hall and dorms. The spoke highly of the college’s schooling ideas and achievements.

    In the afternoon, leaders from both sides had a deep talk on setting up NYP’ study center overseas. He Jiming introduced the development of our college. He said we attached much importance to cooperation with NYP and would try the utmost to provide better condition for NYP’ study center overseas. Lin Hong elaborated the plan prepared for setting up the center and programs and resources offered by individual schools of CDP. Four directors of Singapore side expressed their opinions about the cooperation mode. Chen Zhitian believed that CDP and NPY have many similarities in majors for students, and after the investigation, he thought it is proper to settle down the center in CDP. He also expressed his gratitude for CDP side’s efforts. In regard to cooperation mode, he said that there will be difference than other three bases in other parts of China. The intended plan is that there would be two weeks for NPY students staying in Chengdu. One or two groups will come. Each group consists of 20-25 students. There will be 6-8 times each year. Chen proposed the steps: setting agenda,Confirming programs, investigating accommodations, routes closed by students.

    They reached the agreement that both sides will send representatives to further investigation and try to settle down concrete programs. The first group of NPY’ students are expected to arrive in CDP in September, and agreement will be signed officially.

    On 23, the guests visited Chengdu Panda breeding base and Jinsha Ruins. They thought there are profound and rich cultures in Chengdu that deserve to be introduced to Singapore students.