    Vice President of VCC Visits CDP

    Bill Radford, the deputy headmaster of community education development in VCC, is on a visit to our college on 10th, April, 2012. Accompanied by Ms Chen Yuemei, the director of foreign language department, he looked around the campus and then had a heated discussion about the further cooperation on vocational education between us.

    Vancouver Community College serves a diverse urban community by providing excellent programs and services that prepare learners for ongoing education, direct entry into employment, career advancement and greater participation in the community. Vancouver Community College responds to existing and emerging community needs. In cooperation with other educational institutions, licensing and accrediting bodies, employers, community groups and governments, the College offers flexible and responsive instruction. Our accessible and transferable programs help students reach their personal, educational and professional goals. Vancouver Community College is committed to delivering innovative instruction in developmental education, adult basic education, English language programs, special education, vocational, career, technical, academic and continuing education programs.