    Teachers and Students of Five Institutes from Singapore Visit CDP

    From March 13 to 18, 6 teachers and 35 students from Jurongville Secondary Schoool,Hua Yi Secondary School ,Bukit View Secondary Schoool, Yuan Ching Secondary School, Hong Kan Secondary School visited CDP to exchange ideas and study. On the morning of13, a short welcome ceremony was held on Huayuan campus.

    weleome ceremony

    On the ceremony, vice president of CDP made a speech to welcome the delegation to visit Chengdu and the college. She said the college is making great efforts to develop international exchanges with foreign enterprises and institutes. In 2010, more than 20 students have been sent to Taiwan Universal Technology University to study, and CDP also has received international students from U.S.A, Thailand and Taiwan. Finally she wished this time an opportunity to exchange ideas, share cultures and enhance friendship.

    Lin Hong, Vice President makes speech

    Dean of tourism, Laibin said he was pleased that the Singapore students can share the classes lectured by those elite teachers and tour guides. And the students will eat together, live together, enjoy social activities together with Chinese students, thus, deep friendship will be made.

    Lai Bin, Dean of Tourism makes speech

    CHAN TECK HONG DAVID, Vice principal of Jurongville Secondary Schoool expressed his gratitude for his Chinese counterpart’s arrangement and support, and said he expected the following activities and study.

    Jurongville Secondary Schoool CHAN TECK HONG DAVID makes speech

    Singapore teachers and students and their Chinese counterparts exchanged their study and teaching deeply and extensively. Classes such as housekeeping, tour guide skills, tea serving arts, and sales skills were offered to students. They also experienced traditional Chinese culture through travelling to Qingcheng Mountain and Dujiangyan Irragation System. They thought they got a feeling of prosperous China and Chinese people’s hospitality and diligence. CHAN TECK HONG DAVID believed these activities were beneficial and fruitful for the delegation.

    With the purpose of strengthening cultural and educational communication, the two sides have made an agreement that a larger visiting group will come to Chengdu in July this year.